Top Ten Things We Love About Doulas of Cincinnati

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1. The connection

Spending time getting to know you and your partner so that we can support you in just the way you need is at the top of our list. We’re always happy to answer a quick text, sit down for tea just to chat, and everything else in between.

2. Professionalism

We will treat you, your family and all medical professionals with professional courtesy and respect at all times.  We’ve cultivated working relationships with local professionals to create a cohesive care team approach, allowing you to enjoy the most positive of birthing and parenting experiences.

3. 100% unbiased, unconditional support

We are committed to supporting your goals for birth and parenting, whatever they are. Our doulas are experienced with unmedicated birth, scheduled parenting, breastfeeding, bedsharing, cesarean birth, epidurals, bottle feeding, and much more. It’s simple. We support you, no matter what.

4. One-stop shopping

Take the guesswork out of planning for your new baby. We’ve done the legwork for you! DOC offers childbirth education, birth and postpartum doula services, photography (maternity, birth, newborn, and beyond), placenta services (capsules, tinctures, salves and prints), belly binding and lactation support from an IBCLC. We’ve handpicked all of our service providers to offer you the best support during this special time.

5. The shared call model

Each client is supported by a pair of doulas, with backup provided by the entire DOC team. You never have to worry about your doula being with another client, getting sick or having an unexpected emergency.

6. Dedication to keeping you informed

At DOC, we pride ourselves with being up-to-date with the latest research and trends. Whether you’re looking for the top rated breast pumps or the most popular celebrity baby names, we’ve got you covered.

7. Level of experience

Together, the women of DOC have over 40 years of experience supporting families in the Greater Cincinnati area. From finding just the right light for your maternity session to helping your baby get the best latch, we’ve got the knowledge and expertise to help ensure you have the best possible start to new parenthood!

8. Compassionate care

You are our number one concern. Whether this is your first baby or your fifth, we will treat you with gentleness and respect. Helping you find confidence and security in your new role(s) is what we do.

9. Authenticity

At DOC, we believe in authenticity. We are unapologetically ourselves and we want you to feel the same during your time with us. Whether you're in sweat pants or heels, organized or a hot mess, we love you just the way you are.

10. Cincinnati pride

If you're looking for a group of hometown women who and know and love this city as much as you, you've come to the right place. Cincinnati is our home. We know the people. We know the way of life. And with that in mind, we know you.

We're looking forward to working together. ♡


Meet Emily Johnson


If I Only Had A Doula When I Became Vegan