Inspiration and Connection
Where we share our best advice, answers to your most pressing questions, checklists, tips + tricks, doula introductions, birth stories, and so much more.
Top Ten LUSH Bath Products Your Should Try Now
Baths are one of my most favorite de-stressors. They are warm. They smell good. They make your skin feel nice. Thy don't have any calories. What's not to love? Add some flameless candles, a [bath] bomb playlist (Ha! See what I did there?), and one of these super luxurious LUSH products to your watering relaaaaaxxxxxxx.
We Don’t Bring Our Bags To Your Birth
At Doulas of Cincinnati, we’re not interested in hitching our baggage (birth bags or otherwise) to your birthing day. In fact, we work tirelessly to unpack (and let go of) any biases or preconceived notions we may have picked up before we walk into your space on the big day.
My arms, for one, are thankful!
Our Baby Has Passed: A Letter To Friends and Family
Today, on the blog, we've invited our dear friend, Annie Willems, to share an open letter from bereaved parents to their friends and family. We are so grateful for her words as we love and support those around us who are experiencing the most unimaginable loss.
What To Do On A Cincinnati Babymoon
Well, my dear babymoon-less friends, I have the perfect solution (this is for you, Amanda). A short and sweet weekend getaway, right here in Cincinnati, full of parks, donuts, and all the relaxation your heart desires! Keep reading for the complete itinerary below.
What About Tongue Ties?
Tongue tie refers to an unusually tight or short lingual frenulum which inhibits normal function of the tongue and can be a literal pain for breastfeeding parents, as well as possibly causing short- and long-term developmental issues such as problems with gaining weight appropriately, eating solids foods, impaired speech, and dental concerns.
Friday Finds: Our Favorite Water Bottles (And Why You Need One)
Y’all know you need to drink. the. water. I promise it's easier to do so when you’re filing up one of these beauts a couple of times every day.
Who Are These People (And Why Are They Here)?
When planning for the birth of your baby, you probably already have an idea of who will be present: your partner, your doula, your provider, and an L&D nurse. You might not expect a few additional faces to also step into your labor space as birth becomes imminent. Who are these people?
JoEllen’s Story: PMAD Awareness
Then the fog lifted and I was finally free. I could breathe. I could get through my days without anxious, intrusive thoughts. I didn’t emotionally react as swiftly and aggressively because as one RN friend put it, “You’ve been given a sort of pause button.” She was so right.
Top Ten Spring Baby Shower Inspo
A springtime baby shower just feels good. It feels good to celebrate a new baby, mimosa in hand, as life blooms all around us, yet again. So, in that spirit, we’re dedicating the very first Tuesday Top 10 of the season to our best inspo for a very green, very spring, baby shower!
Call The Midwife: A Q&A With Tina Pearson
Cincinnati Midwife, Tina Pearson, answers your questions about midwifery care.