Meet Elyssa Zabel

Elyssa Zabel is a postpartum and infant care doula serving Greater Cincinnati. We’re so excited to have her on our team. Let’s get to know her a little better.

How long have you lived in the Cincinnati area?

I just moved here this year!

What do you love about living in Cincinnati?

I love how new and exciting everything is. There’s still so many places I want to go check out and explore.

What's your favorite place to eat in Cincinnati?

It’s not in Cincinnati, but Sake Bomb in Erlanger is amazing.

Goldstar or Skyline?

I haven’t tried Gold Star yet, so Skyline wins by default.

UC or XU?

I don’t know about those teams but I do love the Bengals! Who Dey!

What does your ideal Saturday look like?

My ideal Saturday depends on if I want to sleep in and stay in my pajamas all day or if I’m wanting to get coffee and go find new thrift stores and restaurants to try. I usually opt for a lazy day at home, binging something on Netflix or reading a good book.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

One place I really want to visit is Japan.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I always wanted to be a mommy. I would force my siblings to play house with me and when my little sister was born I immediately fell into the roll of mommy’s helper and I loved every minute of it. Taking care of people is my passion and I’ve always been described as a very nurturing person.

Why did you become a doula?

After experiencing the benefits of a doula first hand as a client, I knew that this career was one that would be perfect for me. My deep appreciation and respect for the people that bring life into the world and my unwavering love for babies meant that being a doula would be so personally fulfilling I just had to find a way to make it my life.

Ten Interesting Facts About Elyssa:

  1. I never get tired of Mexican food.

  2. Before becoming a mom I was a flight attendant. I love traveling and flying.

  3. I still get my left and right confused a lot.

  4. I have two beautiful sons.

  5. I absolutely love dogs.

  6. My vinyl collection is my most prized possession.

  7. I’m a theater fanatic and was selected for Governor’s School for the Arts for acting in high school.

  8. San Francisco is my favorite US city.

  9. I like playing video games and I’ve put an embarrassing amount of hours into Stardew Valley.

  10. I have a green thumb and hope to fill my house with so many plants it resembles a jungle.

Contact us today to learn more about how Elyssa can support you.


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Ownership Change at Doulas of Cincinnati